Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How Dieting Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss Efforts

How your Dieting is sabotaging your weight loss. Once you stop dieting you gain back all of the weight and then some. There must be a better way to lose weight and keep it off without being hungry all the time and yo yo dieting.
You must know that yo yo dieting while trying one diet after another will not give you the long term weight loss satisfaction you crave. I know for me it was very depressing and has definitely taken a toll on my body over the years. I don’t believe that I am alone when I say that we are tired of all these fad diets promising us the next best way to lose weight.
There is only one problem with a lot of the diets used for weight loss. Our body is much smarter than we realize and dieting is a perfect example. Your body can only work with the food you eat or don’t eat. Here is what I mean, you are eating everything and anything you wish and then all of sudden you decide okay that is enough I am going to start a diet. Your body only knows that you went from a plentiful supply of food to sporadic intervals of food being consumed. Your body now believes that food is scarce and it better store fat to prepare itself for this food shortage.
Your body know its role, the problem is you are not working as one when you decide to deprive your body of the food it has grown accustomed too. In order for you to ever lose weight and keep it off there has to be a shift in your approach to weight loss. You must be in sync with your bodies interpretation of your actions. You need to figure out what is the correct amount of food for your body.
You need to consider how much food is optimal for you personally, you must factor activity level, height, weight, age, male or female to figure out how much food you really need to sustain your weight. I know that nobody wants to count calories and keep track of what you are consuming but for some of us this is a must until you get on track and begin to take on a role of eating for who you are and what you need personally for this lifestyle change.
Without this lifestyle change you can never mend your old ways in order to lose weight and keep it off. Not everyone needs to count calories as long as they have a reasonable understanding of what correct portions of food look like. The bottom line is you must learn self control and not over indulge in the foods you know to be sabotaging your weight loss. I know this is easier said than done, but no one can do this for you, you must want this for yourself and begin the process. I know for some food is comforting and makes you feel better, this can be more of an underlaying issue.
There are some variables to why we overeat although it still comes down to how much effort are you willing to put forth to accomplish your weight loss goals. There are programs that can help you figure out what food you can eat more of and what ones to stay away from. I can write all about how this has helped me, my family and friends but it is easier to have you listen to our free presentation. There you will be shown an array of food that can help you to make the lifestyle changes needed for permanant weight loss.
This may or may not be for you but definitely won’t hurt you to have a better understanding of what your body thinks of different food and how if you are able to make some of these changes it can help you. If you would like to learn how you can stop starving yourself and sabotaging your weight loss efforts see the Dieting and Weight Loss Solution Now wewantfitness.com/blog/free